Makers of Proton Mail, Proton VPN, Proton Calendar & Proton Drive.
We empower people to choose an internet where privacy is the default.
With Proton, your data belongs to you, not tech companies, governments, or hackers. Our encrypted services help you fight for a better internet that is secure and private by default.
It started with the World Wide Web… Ever since it was created at CERN in 1991, the World Wide Web has revolutionized our lives. However, for many of us, the only way to benefit from the internet today is to hand over vast amounts of personal data to companies that prioritize profits over privacy. In many parts of the world, governments abuse this data to limit the freedom of their citizens.
We believe a better world starts with privacy and digital freedom. Proton was born in Switzerland in 2014 when a team of scientists who met at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) decided to build a better internet where privacy is the default.
Get a FREE month of Proton Mail Plus with this link!
- Proton provides easy-to-use encrypted email, calendar, file storage, VPN, and much more, built on the principle of your data, your rules.
- Proton Mail (proton.me/mail) is a Swiss-based secure email service, brought to you by CERN and MIT scientists. We provide free and easy-to-use encrypted email.
- Proton VPN (https://protonvpn.com/) is a high-speed, Swiss VPN that safeguards your privacy.
- Proton Calendar (https://proton.me/calendar) is an encrypted calendar that helps you stay on top of your schedule while protecting your data.
- Proton Drive (https://proton.me/drive) is an end-to-end encrypted cloud storage that secures your files and documents.
We exist to serve the world. Our first and only obligation is always to the Proton community, not advertisers or other third parties. We do not compromise your trust by selling your data and never will. We are committed to fighting for privacy and freedom online and will always stand up to defend an internet that serves the interests of all people.
Through our policy, government affairs, and legal team in Brussels and Geneva, we provide testimony and thought leadership to advance regulatory and legislative solutions that protect privacy and fair competition, both of which are essential to democracy. We participate in Swiss and EU discussions, and our work has been cited in US Congressional reports. We’re also an active participant at the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum.
Without privacy, there can be no freedom of speech, and without freedom of speech, there can be no democracy. Together with millions of users from around the world, we are working to build a better internet and society.
Thanks for fighting for a better internet where privacy is the default.