Susan Anderson, LCSW
Susan Anderson, LCSW, has devoted more than 30 years of clinical experience and research to helping people overcome abandonment trauma and its aftermath of self-sabotaging patterns.
“At the bottom of the primal wound, you discover a wellspring of profound personal change.”
I am Susan Anderson. As a psychotherapist, I have been working with the victims of abandonment and loss for over 30 years. I developed the Abandonment Recovery Program while I was recovering from my own adult abandonment trauma.
My focus has been on change – promoting positive change – how to dismantle the core issues preventing positive change, the most significant and insidious of which is primal abandonment fear. Through my writing, therapy practice, and seminars I share the techniques I’ve developed to promote primal healing and emotional growth.
I learned there is a special way to redirect the energy within primal abandonment pain toward the deepest possible recovery and growth: Akeru.
I’m making these life-changing tools available to you through a series of videos you can download where I guide you step by step through the Program, or you can access the Program through my books or workshops.
You don’t think your way out of abandonment, you DO your way out.
Founder of the Abandonment Recovery / Outer Child movements, she is author of Taming Your Outer Child: Overcoming Self Defeating Patterns; Journey from Abandonment to Healing; Black Swan: Twelve Lessons of Abandonment Recovery; and the WORKBOOK: Journey from Heartbreak to Connection.