Walden Local Meat Co.
Walden Local is 100% grass-fed beef, pasture-raised meat, and wild-caught fish – raised right in New England & New York (and they deliver themselves!)
Walden partners with local farmers who raise grass-fed beef and pasture-raised pork and chicken following the highest standards.
Our partner farmers raise animals outside on pastures that are herbicide and pesticide-free, right here in New England and New York, and never administer antibiotics or hormones.
- We partner with small, local, highly principled farmers and fisherman right here in New England and New York.
- We sell meat in shares, offering a different selection of the highest quality, hand selected cuts each month (and add-ons like eggs and butter!).
- We don’t use any 3rd party shippers or delivery services. Our shares are hand delivered by us in reusable canvas bags!
For my wife and me, the negative images of industrial factory farms never really changed our minds. It wasn’t that they weren’t powerful, but their impact seemed to fade over time. What truly changed our lifestyle was something more positive: when we harvested our own vegetables and enjoyed them with a roast chicken that had been raised outside on pasture by our neighbors, the meal yielded good conversation and amazing flavors that were nothing like we’d experienced before. Chicken that just tasted better – full of flavor and richness. Kristen was inspired to go into agriculture herself, harvesting vegetables by hand and raising lamb at a nearby farm.
As it turns out, we discovered that there are many other farmers here in New England and New York doing everything right—feeding animals what they’re meant to eat and raising them outside in the sunshine. Steve, Alethea, Al, Beth, Julie, Christine, Jonathan – these are our people. They share our values and produce food in a way that we can all admire. But there was no clear road from these farms to our kitchens. So we decided to help them… we went ahead and bought a truck and just got started.
Our intention is to link our re-emerging local agricultural economy to you. Behind every cut is a network of farmers, butchers and laborers dedicated to using best practices from a health, environmental, and ethical perspective. Beginning with the farmer moving her chickens to fresh pasture each dawn and ending with our members enjoying locally grown meals—there’s a community of us who believe in the power of linking our land to our food.
We started this company because we found something worth sharing right in our backyard.