We are a global community (sangha) of meditators and practitioners of the ancient Bön spiritual tradition of Tibet.
The Bön teachings show us how to embrace the joys, sorrows and challenges of life with an open heart. Connecting more fully to ourselves, we connect more fully to life.
As the bounded and limited ways we view self and other loosen and open through meditation, the teachings guide us out of suffering toward liberation, or buddhahood. Self-realization is possible for everyone, without exception.
To introduce and support the deepening of meditation practice, we offer teachings, connection through Facebook, and an online store for books and practice-related items. In recognition of the international nature of our community, we provide real-time translation and/or subtitles in as many as 20 languages. We also maintain five physical retreat centers and have many local practice groups around the world.
Additional practice opportunities exist with our sister organizations. Lishu Institute, in Uttarakhand, India supports intensive study and practice (in sessions from two weeks to two months), and The 3 Doors presents the Bön dzogchen teachings in secular programs applicable to everyday life.