You Should Be Dancing! Dance Center
Whether you want to learn a new style, train for an event, or just have fun, You Should Be Dancing…! is the best place in midtown NYC to kick off your dancing shoes.
Offering a wide array of classes from learning basic to higher levels in Argentine Tango, Balboa, Salsa/Mambo & Swing.
You Should Be Dancing…..! first opened September 1999. Our goal was to provide the NYC dance community with an environment where they can learn, have fun, and have a sense of belonging. We believe that in order to achieve the rewards of dancing, it should be a pleasant learning experience in a modern, friendly atmosphere. We not only teach dancing, but show you how to practice on your own.
You proceed at your own pace and have the option of learning in private or group settings. Class sizes are limited for best results. Each student will be given personal counseling to make each step clear and easy.
We know dancing keeps you in great shape as it is felt in every fiber of your body. Who can resist swaying to a romantic song or tapping a foot at a jumpin’ jive solid groove? At our studio, learn to lead or follow … no partner required.
Most group classes are run in a progressive 4 week cycle. This means that the beginning of the term is usually the best time to get started. However, classes taught by Frankie Martinez can be taken at any time during the term.
You deserve to have fun and feel confident about your dancing skills – and it doesn’t have to be difficult! We make it easy, with our beautiful appointed studio and friendly staff, who are ready to get you started as soon as possible.
Whether you are a beginner or seasoned dancer, we have something for you!