Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture
A NEW DAY AT STONE BARNS: Come back and see what’s new on the farm! Dine in our cafeteria and join us for exciting programming including behind-the-scenes culinary research tours and tastings.
Since our first plantings in the fall of 2003, we have been committed to a simple & holistic set of ecological principles that’ve guided farmers for millennia:
- The Soil is the foundation of health, nutrition and flavor
- Biodiversity reinforces stability and resilience
- The service of Livestock and their manures are essential contributors to complex, mature ecosystems
- Multi-year rotational systems for animals, grains & vegetables that integrate cover crops providing a balance of exercise & rest needed for enduring & healthy productivity
- The surrounding habitats and Ecosystems are valuable collaborators with cultivated systems
- There is no waste in a natural system
These basic principles are a baseline from which we have launched myriad ongoing experiments, trials, and lessons. Self-generating, self-renewing agricultural ecosystems offer real solutions to climate change, food scarcity and ecological decline. The Farm at Stone Barns Center works to translate the value of the land beyond its productivity to embrace the social and ecological values that are essential to restoration of resilient regional food cultures. It is the grounds for exploration and experimentation that integrates traditional wisdom with innovative research. It is also an active environment for hosting an equitable, diverse and inclusive community of farmers, chefs, scientists, educators and artisans.
Stone Barns Center adheres to rigorous practices for farm animal welfare and livestock handling. Our protocol is developed and informed by the most renowned animal welfare certification programs in the world, including Certified Humane and American Humane.
630 Bedford Road Pocantico Hills, New York 10591
(914) 366-6200
We’re thrilled to welcome our community to campus! Our open hours are Wednesday – Sunday, 10 – 5pm