Opus 40
Created over 37 years by pioneering artist and professor Harvey Fite, Opus 40 is a nonprofit sculpture park, museum and artistic environment with 63 acres of meadows, historic quarrying trails and bluestone quarries — centered on 6.5 acres of earthwork sculpture.
Fite hand-sculpted Opus 40 entirely from bluestone harvested on site, fusing the legacy of local quarrying and ancient Mayan and Aztec stonework learned through his travels.
He framed his stonework sculpture with the surrounding woods and mountains, ensuring the local ecosystem would always be central to the impact of this Natural Historic Register site. An artisanal studio/home overlooking the sculpture, created by Fite in the late 1930s, and a series of freestanding bluestone sculptures and fountains complete the large artistic environment at the center of our site.
We welcome guests five days a week from April through November, and are available for educational field trips, guided tours and weddings all year long. We also host nature walks led by Audubon educators, art workshops, and live music and theatrical performances — all with the majestic Catskill Mountains as the backdrop.
356 George Sickle Road, Saugerties, New York 12477
(845) 246-3400