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Tru Niagen

Tru Niagen

The Scientific Key to Unlock Growing Younger – Customize your Tru Niagen experience to fit your lifestyle. Rest assured that you’ll be supporting your heart, brain, muscle, and overall cellular health by increasing your NAD+, ultimately reclaiming what time and stress have taken away.

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Developed by ChromaDex, a pioneer in NAD+ and healthy aging research, Tru Niagen® is the number one NAD+ supplement in the United States.* Helping people around the world transform the way they age, Tru Niagen is clinically proven to increase NAD+ and features patented nicotinamide riboside (NIAGEN® NR), the most efficient and superior-quality NAD+ precursor available.

Setting the gold standard in scientific rigor, safety, quality, and transparency, Tru Niagen is backed by two Nobel Prize winners, 30+ human clinical studies, and 300+ published scientific studies, and has been accepted by the world’s most rigorous regulatory bodies.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – learn the importance of NAD+ and healthy-aging science.

The Connection Between NAD+ and Aging – NAD+ is vital to life as you know it. Without it, cells die. NAD+ is required by the 37.2 trillion cells in your body to produce the energy they need to function properly and is also used to repair and recover from cellular damage. As you age, your “pool” of NAD+ can be depleted in the face of everyday stressors. NAD+ declines by up to 65% between your early thirties and age 70.

The NAD+/Heart Connection – Every cell in your heart needs NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) for energy. Past the age of 30, NAD+ levels begin to decline steeply. But Tru Niagen® is clinically proven to boost levels of this vital molecule. Studies suggest that increasing your NAD+ levels can support a healthy heart as you age.§ Elevating NAD+ levels with Tru Niagen can offer extra support to one of your hardest-working organs.

NAD+ Supports the Aging Brain – Research supports the hypothesis that boosting cellular NAD+ may help neurons maintain healthy function as you age. A recent study showed an increase in brain NAD+ with supplementation of an NAD+ precursor like Niagen® (patented nicotinamide riboside, aka NR), the active supernutrient in Tru Niagen. Consequently, it stands to reason that NAD+ precursors can help support healthy neurons in the brain. The maintenance of healthy neurons is directly linked to halting/slowing the 10 hallmarks of brain aging.

Healthy Cells for a Healthy Lifestyle – At the root, healthy (or unhealthy) aging starts within your cells. The value of NAD+ and its increasing importance as you age comes down to cellular health. Which is exactly what Tru Niagen® is designed to support.

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